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Barbox Rankings is a list of 125 players that have earned their way 

on to the list by winning their first ranked match.

Each match is an even race, to 6, 7, 8, & 9, based where a player is ranked. Players compete against each other in a series of 3 skills in one match, 9 Ball, 8 Ball, & 10 Ball

These matches are played on a couple of 7' Diamond ProAm tables with Simonis 860 cloth and 4.5" pockets. Each of these matches are live streamed from our Racks Facebook page.  

Click the Racks Logo to go to the Racks Facebook Page.

Once players officially get ranked they continue to climb the rankings. With each win they get scheduled against a new opponent. The more wins the player achieves and the better they win over their opponent, the faster they climb up the rankings.

Players The highest achievement a player can win is Barbox Champion.

The Champion is sponsored by Racks Billiards.

A designated site can be accessed to view the full rankings with stats, Barbox rules, and additional info.

Click the Barbox Logo to go to the Barbox Rankings Site.

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